Vancouver Olive Oil Company

Role: Art Director
Product Space: Retail, Food

When Vancouver Olive Oil Company were planning to open their doors, they contacted me to design and direct their brand, website, print materials, and retail experience.


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Problem → Vancouver Olive Oil Company were selling a premium product in a format that had not been done at that time in Vancouver. The owners were unsure how to approach the branding and launch of their retail business

Solution → I designed and launched a premium looking brand, with supporting marketing materials for the company. In addition, I helped to develop the concept of making their store a tasting room. Customers were unaware of the differences between regular olive oils versus premium. we concluded the best way to convince them was to allow tasting of the product before purchase.

Vancouver Olive Oil Bottle


Researched several other Vancouver retailers that dealt in premium food products.

Determined that customers were often paying a premium for the total experience, not just the product.
Concluded that allowing customers to taste before they buy would be a USP that other retailers were not offering.
Development of Vancouver Olive Oil Company brand, packaging, marketing materials, website, and retail experience.

Vancouver Olive Oil Company Logo and Website

Vancouver Olive Oil Company Photos


The store has been very successful and continues to be in business today which is their tenth year.

Based on the success of their flagship store, VOOC opened a second store in Vancouver at a popular tourist destination, Granville Island.

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