CA Mobile App Services

Role: Lead Designer
Product Space: Mobile, SaaS, Enterprise

Documentation website for a set of APIs to enable essential mobile services for enterprises.


Problem → The API Management business unit at CA had developed a number of mobile specific APIs. Due to a lack of intuitive documentation, it was hard to show the value of the APIs and why a customer would want to buy them.

Solution → Create a usable documentation website to help promote the use and understanding of the mobile APIs. As well as, providing an entry point for customers to gain access to the mobile APIs.

CA Mobile App Services


We did discovery research with several developers to learn the best way to document and present the APIs.

We built a paper prototype of the website which we then validated with the same developers before building anything.
Sketch and Invision were used to create a prototype for the website.

CA Mobile App Services

CA Mobile App Services


After launch of the website, the CA sales team no longer struggled to sell the product.

Mobile App Services was a successful upsell on many deals the API Management sales team made.
With the proper documentation and experience in place, the product began to fly off the shelf to enterprise customers.

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